Rain and perfect days

1 min readAug 22, 2020
Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

It is not every day that you hear the rain splashing down.
It is only on a few days that it rains in exactly the right amount — neither too light, nor too heavy.
It is on even fewer days that it rains consistently at the right speed.
The speed at which you can hear the drops hitting the ground, but not the thunder.
It is on these days that the sound comes out as music.
These are the perfect days.

The drops of rain make you feel fresh when they fall.
It is only occasionally that you can enjoy the ‘perfect days’
When you can find a moment to breathe and to watch the drops fall down.
It is only the rarest of days that
Even with enough moments, you find it hard to admire and cherish the perfect song these drops sing.
These are the toughest of days.

